
In the interest of providing you with high-quality medical services we would like to ask for your opinion regarding the operation of the PASM-II system.

Answers to the following questions will allow us to assess the level of your satisfaction with participation in the system and provide information to our company, which will allow us to take further steps to meet your needs and requirements.

1. How often do you use medical care in the PASM-II system?

More often than once a monthOnce a monthOnce a few monthsOnce a year or less

2. Do your family use medical services in the PASM-II system?

YesNoNot applicable

3. How do you assess the overall level of services offered by PASM-II medical facilities?

Very GoodGoodFairBad

4. Has specialist medical assistance provided to you or your family members in a PASM-II medical facility solved your health problems? Please select one of the following ratings:

I am very satisfied with the service - the service was adequate every timeI am satisfied - although there were some bad mishapsI have no opinionI am not satisfied - I am often not served as expectedI am definitely not satisfied - I never received the help I expected

5. Do you think medical facilities of the PASM-II system provide efficient medical service?

Definitely yesRather yesRather noDefinitely no

6. Is the standard of medical facilities associated in the PASM system high enough in your opinion?

Definitely yesRather yesRather noDefinitely no

7. How often do you use dental services?

More often than once a monthOnce a monthOnce a few monthsOnce a year or lessI don't use

8. How do you assess the quality of the dental service provided?

Very goodGoodFairBad

9. Does participation in the PASM-II system meet your expectations regarding a modern form of medical care?

Definitely yesRather yesRather noDefinitely no

10. Please list what do you think is the advantage of the PASM-II system?
(access to medical facilities throughout Poland without regionalization, access to a specialist and diagnostic, laboratory tests without referral, etc.)

11. What do you think we can do to increase your satisfaction with the use of the PASM-II system? (to better meet your needs and expectations?)

12. If any of the medical facilities did not meet your requirements, please mention it and provide the reasons:

13. Which of the PASM-II medical facilities you visited could you recommend to others?

14. Any comments: